1 吊笼坠落事故的主要原因造成施工升降机吊笼坠落事故的原因很多,归纳起来主要有以下几种。11 驱动装置的制动器制动力矩不够制动器是吊笼停靠楼层定位的装置,目前大致采用两种。一种是标准的JWZ200型块式制动器,其制动力矩为160Nm,属成熟产品,大多在
A cage crashed the main reason for the accident caused by the construction elevator cage crashed for many reasons, summed up the following are the following. 1 1 brakes brake torque is not enough Brakes parking floor positioning device, currently roughly two. One is the standard block brake JWZ200 type, the braking torque of 160Nm, is a mature product, mostly in