今年7月,海军某部门与中国船舶工业总公司军工部在北京联合召开了“ZDB—1型组合导航仪”鉴定会。会议专家一致认为:ZDB—1型组合导航仪在技术上处于国内领先水平,与当前美国海岸巡逻艇普遍装备的并被多国海军采用的“MINS”系统技术水平相当,具有国际80年代同类产品的先进水平。该导航仪是在原 ZDX—1,XZDX 型组合导航仪的基础上研制成功的,具有以下几个优点:
In July this year, a navy department and the Ministry of Military Affairs of China National Shipbuilding Corporation jointly held the “ZDB-1 Integrated Navigation System” appraisal meeting in Beijing. The conference experts agreed that the ZDB-1 integrated navigation device is at the leading level in technology in China and is equivalent to the technology level of the MINS system commonly used by the US coast patrol boats and adopted by the multinational navy. It has the same products of the 1980s. Advanced level. The navigator was successfully developed on the basis of the original ZDX-1, XZDX integrated navigation system and has the following advantages: