
来源 :新疆农机化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wubingsen
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为了深入科技体制改革,促进科学技术面向经济建设,我所在引进技术的同时,结合新疆农牧业生产特点,研制推广了一批农牧机械和农副产品加工机械科研成果,现简介如下:1 葡萄干精加工工艺及成套设备葡萄干加工成套设备由三大部分组成:①粗加工部分共六台设备,包括喂料机、提升机、脱梗机、除尘装置、去杂机、分级机等,生产率700~800kg/h;②精加工部分共12台设备,包括清洗机、脱水机、上油机等,生产率为700kg/h;③包装部分共九台设备,生产率为500kg/h.该成果达到80年代国际先进水平,1989年获自治区科技进步一等奖.2 采棉机及清花设备引进试验研究该项目是国家和自治区的重大科研项目.经过近五年的试验研究,完成了以下几项研究任务:①机采棉机械化植棉模式试验研究;②化学脱叶催熟技术试验研究;③采棉机引进试验研究;④机采棉清花工艺及成套设备试验研究;⑤机采棉质量检验方法及标准验证.该项目是一个涉及到多学科的系统工程,技术难度大,资金投入多,工作量大,推广前景广阔.现经过多年共同努力,攻克了多项技术难题,取得了突破性进展,为在新疆和全国引进、消化、吸收、推广机采棉及机采棉清花先进技术积累了丰富的经验,并奠定了良好基础. In order to deepen the reform of science and technology system and promote science and technology oriented to economic construction, while introducing technology, combining with the characteristics of agricultural and animal husbandry production in Xinjiang, we have developed and popularized a number of scientific research achievements of farming machinery, animal husbandry machinery and processing machinery of agricultural and sideline products. The brief introduction is as follows: 1 Raisins Finishing process and complete sets of equipment raisin processing complete sets of equipment consists of three parts: ① roughing part of a total of six devices, including feeders, elevators, stemming machine, dust removal device, to the miscellaneous machines, graders, productivity 700 ~ 800kg / h; ② finishing part of a total of 12 devices, including washing machine, dehydrator, oil machine, the production rate of 700kg / h; ③ packaging part of a total of nine devices, the production rate of 500kg / h. The international advanced level in 1989, won the first prize of scientific and technological progress of autonomous regions and autonomous regions.2 The introduction of cotton picking machine and cleaning equipment test research The project is a major national and regional research projects.After nearly five years of experimental research, completed the following Research tasks: ① machine cotton picker mechanization model test; ② chemical defoliation ripening technology pilot study; ③ cotton picker introduction of experimental research; ④ machine pick cotton clearing process and complete sets of equipment ⑤ machine cotton testing methods and standards of quality certification. The project is a multidisciplinary involved in systems engineering, technical difficulties, more capital investment, heavy workload, the promotion of broad prospects. Now after many years of joint efforts to overcome the A number of technical problems have achieved breakthroughs and accumulated rich experience and laid a good foundation for the introduction, digestion, absorption and promotion of advanced technologies of cotton pick-up and cotton pick-up in Xinjiang and the whole country.
马萨诸塞州 1995年12月11日晚8时4分,经济损失5亿美元。这是一家纺织精整厂,厂房为五层,大型木质结构,该厂是一家拥有一楼到五楼的联合企业的一部分。火灾发生时。该厂正在生
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