本文首先简要介绍澳大利亚悉尼大学著名社会学家Karl Maton提出的语义波理论,尤其是语义引力和语义密度这一对概念对语义波形成和演变的影响,并通过实例分析证明:界定、分类和举例可以发挥降低语义密度的作用。然后论述溯源、联想和释义等其他教学手段对日语话语波峰的消解和知识的积累所能发挥的作用,并提出在教学过程中可适当采用增强语义密度的逆向做法以帮助学生获得更多新知识的观点。
This article first briefly introduces the semantic wave theory proposed by Karl Maton, a famous sociologist at the University of Sydney in Australia. In particular, the influence of the pair of semantic gravitation and semantic density on the formation and evolution of semantic wave is demonstrated. Case studies show that the definition, classification and examples Can play a role in reducing the semantic density. Then it discusses the function that other teaching methods such as traceability, association and paraphrase can play on the digestion of Japanese discourse and the accumulation of knowledge, and puts forward that the reverse approach of increasing semantic density may be adopted appropriately to help students acquire more new knowledge the opinion of.