Niobium and tantalum minerals are the most industrially valuable minerals in the Nanping granitoids in Nanping. There are more types of niobium and tantalum minerals, which can be divided into six categories according to the differences in crystal structure and composition. Namely: niobium iron ore tantalite; heavy tantalum ore; tin manganese tantalum ore; fine spar type; brown yttrium niobium ore; niobium (tantalum) iron rutile. Niobium ore tantalite can be further divided into six sub-categories. Different types of niobium-tantalum minerals are produced on different mineral assemblages of different types of pegmatites or of the same type of pegmatite. Based on the detailed discussion on the characteristics of various niobium and tantalum minerals, such as their origin, composition, physical properties and crystal structure, their geochemical evolution rules are discussed.