我们对世界首富比尔·盖茨的成功早已熟悉不过,然而,让人意想不到的是,这位世界首富没有自己的私人司机,公务旅行不坐飞机头等舱却坐经济舱,衣着也不讲究什么名牌;更让人不可思议的是,他还对打折商品感兴趣,不愿为泊车多花几美元……为这点“小钱”如此斤斤计较,让我们怀疑他是不是“现代的阿巴公(吝啬鬼)”? 可另一面的事实显示,比尔·盖茨并不是那种悭吝的守财奴——比如,微软员工的收入都相当高;比如,为公益和慈善事业一次次捐出大笔善款,还表示要在自己的有生之年把95%的财产捐出去……看来,这位世界首富跟那种“一掷万金、摆谱显阔”的富翁迥然有异。他是不是富者中的“另类”?他对
We are already familiar with the success of the world’s richest man, Bill Gates. However, unexpectedly, the richest man in the world does not have his own personal driver. Business travel does not pay attention to first-class economy class and official business suit Even more incredible is that he is also interested in discount merchandise, reluctant to spend a few dollars more for the parking ... ... for this “little money” so preoccupied, let us doubt whether he is “modern Abba (mean Ghost ”)? On the other hand, Bill Gates is not the kind of miserly miser - for example, Microsoft employees have high incomes; for example, donating large sums of money to charity and philanthropy, It also said that 95% of the property should be donated during its lifetime... It seems that the richest man in the world is totally different from the millionaire who is “throwing a finger in the bill in a big way”. Is he the “alternative” among the rich? He is right