在俄罗斯音乐史上,米里·巴拉基列夫是以“新俄罗斯乐派”(即“强力集团”)的领袖而载入史册的。正如斯塔索夫所说:“要是没有巴拉基列夫,俄国音乐的命运可能和眼前我们实际所有的记载大不相同。”可又有谁相信,这位来自伏尔加河畔诺夫戈罗德城(即今高尔基城)的作曲家,早年只跟杜布克上了十堂钢琴课,跟一位德国音乐家艾斯里赫学了一点音乐理论,从没有受过专业作曲理论的训练,相反他年轻时曾在著名的喀山大学学习数学。巴拉基列夫是在热爱音乐的基础上,走向专业创作道路的。 1863年夏,二十七岁的巴拉基列夫到高加索度假。在给斯塔索夫的信中他描绘着:“高加索的厄尔布鲁士河,亮晶晶的星星,悬崖峭壁,雪山,无底的深渊,我就生活在这一切之中。”广袤的高加索平原,草原上的清新空气,丰富的民间音乐,使巴拉基列夫带回了钢琴幻想曲《伊斯拉美》的素材。1869年9月25日,巴拉基列夫在莫斯科完成了这部作品,并在扉页上题词:献给尼·鲁宾斯坦。在给鲁宾斯坦的信中他写道:“三天以前我已经把自己的《耶利哥狂想曲》(注)寄
In the history of Russian music, Miri Baraklinev was recorded in history as the leader of the “new Russian music school” (ie “powerful group”). As Stosov put it: “The fate of Russian music may be quite different from what we actually have in sight without Balakrishu.” Who could have believed that this man from Veliky Novgorod on the Volga Now Gorky City) composer, only early with Dubuque on ten piano lessons, with a German musician Yi Sihe learned a little music theory, has never been trained in professional composition theory, on the contrary, when he was young Has studied mathematics at the famous Kazan University. Baraklinev is in the love of music, based on the professional creative path. In the summer of 1863, 27-year-old Baraklineh traveled to the Caucasus. In his letter to Stasov he portrayed: “The Elbrus in the Caucasus, the sparkling stars, the cliffs, the snow-capped mountains, the bottomless abyss, I live in all this.” The vast Caucasus Plains, grasslands of fresh air, rich folk music, so Balakiliv brought back the piano fantasia “Islaras” material. On September 25, 1869, Balakiliv completed the work in Moscow and inscribed on the title page: dedicated to Neil Rubinstein. In a letter to Rubinstein he wrote: “I had sent my” Rhapsody of Jericho "(Note) three days ago