Medical history information: Patient, male, 17 years old, middle school student. On April 23, 2001 to “malaise, with anorexia two weeks ” as the main complaint. Admission examination: T: 36.5 ℃, P: 80 beats / min, R: 20 beats / min, Bp: 12 / 8kpa, poor spirit, clear consciousness, ), Abdominal soft, no tenderness, rebound tenderness, liver and spleen did not touch swollen. Liver function tests were as follows: ALT (alanine aminotransferase): 1857.7 μL, AST (aspartate aminotransferase): 890 μL, TBIL 20810 μmol / L, DBIL direct bilirubin 61.4 μmol / IBIL (indirect bilirubin): 146.6 μmol / L; three pairs of semi-indications: HBsAg (-), HbsAb (+), HbeAg (-), HbeAb