1993年元月10~13日,浙江省林业厅在亚林所召开全省林木种苗工作座谈会。参加会议的代表有来自科研、教学部门的专家、教授,各地(市)林业局、各良种基地(场圃)主管种苗工作的领导,共90余人。 会议主要议题是:①传达林业部领导关于种苗工作的讲话精神,介绍林业部“林木种苗生产、管理技术培训团”赴美考察情况;②总结交流了1992年全省林木良种建设和国营苗圃计划执行情况。17年来,全省林
January 10 to January 13, 1993, the Zhejiang Provincial Forestry Department held a meeting in the province of forest seedling work in the province. Representatives from the scientific research and teaching departments, professors, forestry bureaus (municipalities) and forestry bureaus (nurseries) in charge of seedling work attended the meeting, a total of more than 90 people. The main topics of the conference were: (1) Spokes on the spirit of the speech made by the leaders of the Ministry of Forestry on the work of seedling and seedlings, and introduces the inspection situation of the training team for forestry seedling production and management in the United States to the United States; (2) Summarizes the achievements made in 1992, Nursery plan implementation. For 17 years, the province’s forest