面出薰(Kaoru Mende)生于1950年,作为二战后成长起来的一代日本人,他身上的质朴谦逊令人肃然起敬。作为著名的照明设计师,一直以来以,他以执著和真诚姿态为世人烹调出一场场光的盛宴,用他严谨的照明设计成就了众多的建筑。从日本本土的东京新宿高岛屋百货公司的商业照明,到新加坡最高法院的办公照明,再到城市照明,无所不包,每一次他都用不一样的光裹挟着他对建筑、对设计的认识,来为世人展示光的力量。
Born in 1950, Kaoru Mende, a generation of Japanese who grew up after World War II, is awe-inspiring. As a famous lighting designer, he has always been dedicated and sincere gesture for the world cooking a feast for the world, with his rigorous lighting design achievements of many buildings. Commercial lighting from Japan’s Shinjuku Takashimaya department store in Tokyo, office lighting in Singapore’s Supreme Court, and city lighting are all-encompassing, and each time he uses a different light to coerce him over the architecture, Understanding, to show the world the power of light.