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这20年来我们国家的经济发展很快,但对社会政策管得不够。对于我国未来的经济速度和翻两番的目标,我的信心太足了。但要发展成一个全面的现代社会,还要做许多改革。 如果GDP以每年7.2%的增长率,到2020年达到3000美元没问 In the past 20 years, the economy of our country has been developing rapidly but has not been able to control social policies. My confidence is too high for our future economic growth and the goal of quadrupling. However, to develop into a comprehensive modern society, we must make many reforms. If GDP grows at an annual rate of 7.2%, reaching $ 3,000 by 2020 is not a question
The solubilization and degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil was amending by many microorganisms. One of these microorganisms is Bacter
Seismograms near source fault were synthesized using the hybrid empirical Green’s func-tion method where the discretely simulated seismic waveforms are used fo
以中国东北小兴安岭五营林区为研究区,基于MODIS BRDF遥感模型参数产品数据,首先利用4-Scale模型建立查找表计算像元尺度上各组分比例,估算研究区森林乔木冠层反射率,然后利
The Bashikaogong-Shimierbulake granitoid complex is about 30 km long and 2―6 km wide, with an area of 140 km2, located at the north margin of the Bashikaogong
The characteristics of seismic activity in different time-spatial domain before the M_W9.0 earthquake were studied. The results are as follows:The activity of t
患者男,17岁,学生.发现睾丸旁肿块1年,于2003年4月4日入院.患者1年前发现睾丸旁肿块,起初约花生米大小,无疼痛、肿胀等不适,逐渐增大至鸡蛋大小,未发现其他症状.查体:左侧睾丸正常,附睾尾部可触及一大小约4.5 cm×3.0 cm×2.5 cm实性肿块,质地硬,表面不平整,无压痛,透光实验阴性.B超显示:左附睾尾部实性肿块.临床诊断左侧睾丸旁肿瘤,行睾丸旁肿瘤切除术.术中见左侧睾丸正常,附睾
The natural balance conditions will be disturbed and produce a series of problems when mineral deposit has mined.This paper has researched the engineering rock