不断拓宽财务管理思路 着力于提高经济效益

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一、进一步抓紧抓好企业扭亏增盈工作从当前我省经济的实际情况来看,要提高经济效益,必须突出抓好扭亏增盈工作,把扭亏增盈工作放在经济工作的突出位置上,省政府决定,全省企业扭亏增盈总体目标是:盈利企业实现利润增长5%,亏损面下降5个百分点,亏损额扭亏30%,力争用三年时间解决企业亏损问题,并把扭亏增盈指标纳入全省经济效益目标责任制进行考核。一是要继续实行扭亏增盈“双向”包户责任制。抓扭亏增盈,提高经济效益,不仅有利于政治稳定、社会稳定,经济发展,而且直接影响财政收入增长,各级财政局长对此要有清醒的认识,积极主动地抓紧抓好企业扭亏增盈工作。特别是对各地重点盈亏大户,要通过包户的办法,亲自带领企财干部深入企业调查了解情况,帮助解决实际困难和问题, First, to further pay close attention to the work of enterprises to turn losses into profits from the current economic situation in our province point of view, to improve economic efficiency, we must give prominence to the work of turning losses into profits, turn loss into gain an outstanding position on economic work, The provincial government decided that the overall goal of the enterprises in the province in reducing losses and increasing profits was as follows: Profit-making enterprises realized a profit growth of 5%, a loss of 5% and a loss of 30%. They tried their best to solve the problem of corporate loss in three years and turned losses into profits Indicators into the province’s economic responsibility target responsibility system for assessment. First, it is necessary to continue implementing the “two-way” system of accountability for losses and increasing profits. It is not only conducive to political stability, social stability and economic development, but also directly affects the growth of fiscal revenue. Financial Secretary at all levels should have a clear understanding of this issue, and take the initiative to pay close attention to turning losses into profits jobs. In particular, the major profit and loss major enterprises across the country should, through the means of package households, personally lead enterprise-based cadres in conducting business investigations to understand and help solve practical difficulties and problems,
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适用八级超额累进税率纳税的单位,当月累计应纳所得税额=[(当月累计应纳税所得额×12/当月月份)×适用税率-速算扣除数]×当月月份/12。对这一公式的使用,我有两点看法: 1.