宫颈病变是女性常见疾病之一,严重危害女性身体健康。大量研究显示,从正常宫颈组织到癌前病变、再到宫颈浸润性癌大约需要数年到数十年的时间,表明宫颈癌发生、发展过程漫长。如果在此期间定期宫颈细胞学筛查,可以发现癌前病变,进行早期干预,使广大女性远离宫颈癌。目前,国内宫颈细胞学筛查首选液基细胞学(thinprep cytology test,TCT)检查。制备出一张合格的涂片对最后的诊断
Cervical lesions are one of the common diseases in women, seriously endangering women’s health. Numerous studies show that from normal cervical tissue to precancerous lesions to invasive cervical cancer takes about several years to several decades, indicating that cervical cancer, the long process of development. If during this period regular cervical cytology screening can be found precancerous lesions, early intervention, so that the majority of women away from cervical cancer. At present, cervical cytology screening preferred liquid-based cytology (thinprep cytology test, TCT) examination. Prepare a qualified smear for the final diagnosis