
来源 :广州中医药大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hx8842898
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为探讨中药肺安汤(麦冬、天冬、北沙参、鱼腥草、黄芩、瓜蒌仁等组成)对肺癌术后症状的缓解作用,本研究将肺癌术后监护期内按中医辨证属阴虚夹内热的患者80例,分成中西药结合治疗组42例及纯西药对照组38例,分别给予内服中药肺安汤结合常规西药处理和单纯西药处理,观察手术后症状(包括胸背痛、咳嗽、咯血、发热、气促、神疲乏力、自汗盗汗、口干和舌、脉象)以及外周血象白细胞计数和粒细胞比例的改善情况,结果两组在外周血象改变方面疗效相仿,而在大多数术后症状改善方面与单纯西药组相比,有显著性差异(P<0.05),提示在用西药抗炎的同时辅以中药治疗,对改善肺癌术后症状有一定的作用。 To investigate the relief effect of traditional Chinese medicine lung antang (Ophiopogon japonicus, Asparagus, Adenophora, Houttuynia, Astragalus membranaceus, melon-fructose, etc.) on the symptoms of postoperative lung cancer, this study will use traditional Chinese medicine to differentiate the symptoms of lung cancer during the period of postoperative care. There were 80 patients with fever in the yin deficiency folder. They were divided into 42 cases of Chinese and Western medicine combined group and 38 cases of pure western medicine control group. They were given internal Chinese medicine Fugan Decoction combined with conventional Western medicine treatment and Western medicine treatment alone to observe the symptoms after operation (including the thoracodorsal Pain, cough, hemoptysis, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth and tongue, pulse, and peripheral blood leukocyte counts and granulocyte ratio improvement results, the results of the two groups in the peripheral blood changes similar effect, There was a significant difference in the improvement of most postoperative symptoms compared with Western medicine alone (P<0.05), suggesting that the use of Western medicine anti-inflammation combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment has a certain effect on improving postoperative symptoms of lung cancer. effect.
白癜风为常见顽固性皮肤病,因目前医学界尚未完全弄清其发病机理,故还没有特效药问市。 本人对祖国中医学颇有爱好。在实践中用下列方法予以治疗,取得了明显的效果,现将验方
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采用HPLC法测定11种葡萄属植物低聚茋的含量,方法简便,快速准确,为合理利用和评价本届药用植物提供依据。 The HPLC method was used to determine the content of eleven spec
用火焰原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)测定核桃楸果中的11种微量元素。结果Cd、Co元素未检出,Zn、Cu、Mn、Se等人体必需元素较丰富。酒提取液中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn、Se的溶出率在4%~24%之间,Pb未检出 Determination of Eleven
近几年来 ,一些高校制定实施了面向 2 1世纪的教材改革计划 ,并在此基础上编撰出版了一批新教材。由齐涛主编 ,顾銮斋、夏继果分卷主编的《世界通史教程·古代卷》(以下简称