Advanced Dialer由著名的PY Software公司制作、是当今最为流行的访问Internet的Windows9X/NT共享软件之一。与其说它是一个拨号软件、反倒不如说它是一个拨号网络工具箱更为恰当。因为它不仅可以快速拨号、实现连接的实时监督、自动重拨和挂断、计算上网时间和花费,而且还可以实现在连接建立或断开时运行应用程序、打开文件、关闭窗口或按下按钮等许多非常有用的功能,实在是一个不可多得的优秀软件。
Advanced Dialer, made by the famous PY Software company, is one of the most popular Windows 9X / NT sharing software available on the Internet today. It is not so much a dial-up software, but rather that it is a dial-up network toolbox more appropriate. Because it can not only speed dial, real-time monitoring of connections, automatic redial and hang up, online time and cost calculation, but also to run the application when the connection is established or disconnected, open the file, close the window or press the button And many other very useful features, it is a rare excellent software.