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服务鄱阳湖生态经济区建设,质监部门应当积极实践、大胆探索、不断创新、有所作为。1鄱阳县基本情况鄱阳湖因鄱阳县而得名。鄱阳县位于江西省东北部,全县总面积4215平方公里,总人口约156万,是江西人口第一大县,地域第二大县。现辖14个建制镇,15个乡、2个水库管理局,拥有省级高新技术产业开发区——鄱阳工业园区、世界六大湿地之一鄱阳湖国家湿地公园。2009年,鄱阳县完成地区生产总值67亿元,较上年同期增长12.6%。财政收 Service Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone construction, quality supervision departments should actively practice, bold exploration, continuous innovation, accomplish something. 1 Poyang County, the basic situation Poyang Lake named Poyang County. Poyang County is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, the county a total area of ​​4215 square kilometers, the total population of about 1.56 million, is the largest population in Jiangxi Province, the second largest county. Under the jurisdiction of the 14 towns, 15 townships, two reservoir management bureau, with the provincial high-tech industrial development zone - Poyang Industrial Park, one of the world’s six wetlands Poyang Lake National Wetland Park. In 2009, Poyang County completed a GDP of 6.7 billion yuan, an increase of 12.6% over the same period of last year. Financial income
灵渠,位于广西兴安县境内,是公元前218年至214年秦始皇为统一岭南而命监御史史禄率卒开凿的一条人工运河,又名湘桂运河,兴安运河等。它全长36.4公里,沟通湘漓二水,连接长江与珠江两大水系。是世界上现存最古老的人工运河之一。民国时期,宋美龄曾随蒋介石到过灵渠。  关于这一段历史,了解的人本不多,且有不同版本,有说“1941年8月……陪同的兴安县县长邓国英……宋美龄私人出资两千银元……县政府用宋美龄