白色家具难保养? 八个小妙招解您忧

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白色家具很多人都喜欢,可能难保养是一个头痛的问题,那么今天给大家介绍8个小妙招,希望大家喜欢。茶水油漆过的家具沾染了灰尘,可以用纱布包裹一些略湿的茶叶渣抹擦,或用细布蘸少许浓茶水或是花露水,以及少许酒精,轻轻擦拭,即可除去,然后用布拭干。但是用茶水擦拭家具之后,一定不要忘记用蘸有清水的湿抹布(注意抹布微湿)再将茶水擦干净。因为茶水通常会有茶渍,残留在油漆表面会影响家具原来的色泽。牙膏 Many people like white furniture may be difficult to maintain a headache, so today we introduce eight small coup, I hope you like it. Tea-water painted furniture is contaminated with dust, can be wrapped with gauze slightly damp tea leaf rub, or with a light cloth dipped in a little thick tea or water, and a little alcohol, gently wipe, you can remove, and then use the cloth to dry . However, after wiping the furniture with tea, do not forget to use a damp cloth moistened with water (note rag slightly wet) and then wipe the tea clean. Because tea usually has tea stains, the paint residue on the surface will affect the original color of furniture. toothpaste
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由美国动力钢公司在印地安纳州巴特勒城兴建的年产 50万 t的 Redsmelt法炼铁设备已于 1 999年 5月中旬建成投产。该设备包括由美国布里科蒙工业炉公司制造的 Inmetco转底炉和
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论述了提高烧结法精液氧化铝浓度的意义 ,指出了存在的工艺问题及解决办法。并对高铝熟料在不同溶出浓度条件下进行了溶出性能及赤泥沉降性能试验研究。结果表明 ,适当提高烧