黑河港务局地处黑龙江中游黑河市 ,隶属于黑龙江航运集团有限公司 ,与俄罗斯远东第二大城市布拉戈维申斯克市隔江相望。 80年代初期 ,黑河港务局还是年吞吐量不足 10万吨的天然简易码头。近几十年来 ,特别是在 1987年中俄两国恢复边境贸易尤其是 1992年黑河港被国务院批准为对
Heihe Port Authority is located in the middle reaches of Heilongjiang Heihe City, under the Heilongjiang Shipping Group Co., Ltd., Russia’s Far East and the second largest city of Blagoveshchensk across the river. In the early 1980s, the Heihe Port Authority was also a natural simple wharf with an annual throughput of less than 100,000 tons. In recent decades, especially since the restoration of border trade between China and Russia in 1987, especially the approval of the State Council in 1992 by Heihe Port,