比利时国家铁路计划通过安装一种可集中显示全部牵引动力装置准确位置的全球定位系统 (GPS)来实现对牵引设备的优化使用。在第一阶段 ,441台内燃机车和电力机车将率先安装该系统。比利时国家铁路管理委员会现已批准拨款 10 67万欧元购买GPS系统 ,其交付日期定在今后 1~ 2年内
The Belgian National Rail plans to optimize the use of traction equipment by installing a Global Positioning System (GPS) that shows the exact location of all traction power units. In the first phase, 441 diesel locomotives and electric locomotives will be the first to install the system. The Belgian National Railway Administration has approved the appropriation of 10.67 million euros for the GPS system with a delivery date of one to two years in the future