货车使用费工作量统计指标 ,来源于 18:0 0现在车统计 ,由于其指标概念不明确 ,一直存在着指标设置的缺陷。在目前车流愈发不均衡的情况下 ,其时点数指标特性 ,不能真正反映每日 2 4h货车投入的数量 ,同时诱发严重的抢 18:0 0现象。在分析、研究的基础上 ,提出了“部属现在车辆日”的指标概念和计算办法 ,通过车号自动识别系统采集数据 ,以一个完整的时期数指标 ,科学、全面地反映部属货车使用数量 ,彻底杜绝统计指标中的弄虚作假
Truck usage fee workload statistics, from 18: 0 0 Now car statistics, because of the concept of indicators is not clear, there has been a defect in the indicator set. In the current situation of increasingly unbalanced traffic flow, the characteristics of the point-in-time indicators can not really reflect the quantity of trucks invested 24 hours a day and at the same time induce a serious grab of 18 0 0. On the basis of analysis and research, this paper proposes the concept and calculation method of “subordinate present day of vehicles”, and collects data through automatic number recognition system. With a complete number of indicators, it scientifically and comprehensively reflects the number of subordinate trucks used, Completely eliminate the statistical indicators of fraud