本刊讯:最近,财政部以(88)财文字第742号文颁发新的《关于国家机关、事业单位工作人员差旅费开支的规定》,现全文刊登如下: 第一条为了保证出差人员工作与生活的需要,并贯彻勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗的精神制定本规定。第二条出差人员的住宿费、市内交通费、伙食补助费,实行分项计算,总额包干,调剂使用,节约归己,超支不补的办法。总额包干办法适用于司(局)长及其以下人员,副部长以上干部及随行1人在各自的规定标准内实报实销。
Recently, the Ministry of Finance (88) Cai Wen Zi No. 742 issued a new “on state agencies and institutions staff travel expenses,” the full text is published as follows: Article 1 in order to ensure that the work of staff and travel The needs of life, and implement the spirit of diligence and thrift, hard-working spirit to develop these provisions. The second travel staff accommodation fees, city transport costs, food subsidies, the implementation of sub-terms, the total package, swap use, save yourself, overruns do not make up. The total amount of compensation for dry-up method is applicable to the Secretary (Bureau) and the following officers, deputy ministerial and above cadres and accompanying a person in accordance with the standards specified in the actual reimbursement.