昙花(Epiphyllum oxypetalurm),是仙人掌科昙花属近20个品种中最普遍栽培的一种。原产于墨西哥及加勒比沿岸地区热带雨林中,属于半灌木状多浆植物,常附着于岩石上、大树旁生长。植株高度1.5m~2.5m,主茎基部木质化,扁圆柱状,分枝呈扁平叶状,边缘具钝齿状,无刺,体色浓绿。花期6~9月。白色的大型漏斗状花在夜间绽放,清晨之前凋谢,白日难得一见昙花盛开的美姿,素有“月下美人”之雅称(见图)。昙花冰肌玉骨,清雅洁丽,颇受人们喜爱。适合于阳台、庭院的美化或大型盆栽,一旦繁花绽开,光彩夺目,芳香四溢,蔚为奇观。昙花生性强健,栽培容易,喜半阴的生长环境,夏季忌阳光暴晒,可放置于通风良好的厅堂、屋檐下、树荫间栽培。它对
Epiphyllum oxypetalurm is the most commonly cultivated species of the genus Opuntia in the genus Phoebe. Native to the tropical rainforests of Mexico and the Caribbean coast, it is a semi-shrubby plant that often adheres to rocks and grows beside large trees. Plant height of 1.5m ~ 2.5m, the main stem lignification, flat cylindrical, branched flat leaves, edge with a toothed, no thorns, body color dark green. Flowering from June to September. Large white funnel-shaped flowers blooming at night, withered early in the morning, saw a beautiful daytime blossoming beauty, known as “the beauty of the moon,” the elegant name (see photo). Epiphyllum ice jade bone, elegant and clean, popular with people. Suitable for balcony, garden landscaping or large potted plants, once blooming flowers, dazzling, fragrant, wonders. Epiphyllum robust, easy to grow, hi half-Yin growth environment, the summer avoid sun exposure, can be placed in a well-ventilated hall, under the eaves, shade cultivation. It is right