Infection during transgastric and transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery in a

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fossi
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Background The infection risk of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is of conc. The aim of this study was to assess the safety of NOTES by investigating the intraperitoneal bacterial load during transgastric and transvaginal procedures with antiseptic or controling perioperative preparation.Methods Forty-five female pigs were randomly assigned to five equal groups: the transgastric (TG) control group (group A), the TG middle volume gastric lavage group (group B), the TG high volume lavage group (group C), the transvaginal (TV) control group (group D) and the TV study group (group E). The study groups received gastric or vaginal lavage and abdominal antimicrobial irrigation, while the control groups received neither. All animals were administered intravenous antibiotics, underwent NOTES peritoneoscopy and transumbilical laparoscopic cholecystectomy under NOTES view with sterile instruments. The viscerotomy was closed by laparoscopic suture. The animals were observed until necropsy was performed 14 days postoperatively. Quantitative bacteriologic cultures were taken from the gastric or vaginal aspirate before and after lavage; peritoneal fluid was collected before and after peritoneal irrigation and at necropsy. Results The surgical procedures were completed for all the pigs and all of them survived. The mean operative time of the TG group and the TV group was (81±27) minutes and (66±12) minutes, respectively. All animals survived for 14 days.At necropsy, significantly more peritoneal infections were noted in group A than in group D (5:9 vs. 0:9; P <0.05). Nogross evidence of intra-peritoneal infection was found in groups B, C, D and E. Bacteriological evidence was seen in all pigs in group A, 7 pigs in group B, 6 pigs in group D, and none in groups C and E.Conclusions Without gastric or vaginal lavage and antibiotic peritoneal irrigation, the TG procedure has a higher infection rate than the TV access. After antiseptic preparation, the bacterial load significantly decreased in the TG group,which seems as safe as the sterile TV approach.
摘要:在我国经济水平不断提高的过程中,人们对建筑的要求也越来越多。我国逐渐加快了城市化的步伐,同时在人们的生活中出现了更多的高层建筑。框架剪力墙作为高层建筑中较为常见、重要的技术形式,得到了人们的普遍关注,也使其操作水平和操作质量也得到了显著提高。本文主要是对高层建筑施工中的框架剪力墙进行较为全面、细致的讨论和研究,希望能对具体施工提供一定的参考作用。  关键词:建筑工程;框剪结构;施工技术;探索
目的 研究脊髓压迫性损伤(compressed spinal cord injury,CSCI)后脱髓鞘病变与半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶-12(caspase-12)表达变化之间的关系,探讨CSCI后脱髓鞘病变机制.方法 成年SD大鼠75只,按随机数字表法分为5组:正常组、对照组、压迫1d组、3d组、7d组,每组15只.采用自行设计制作的脊髓压迫模型,通过电镜和TUNEL染色、免疫荧光双标分别检测各组
目的 采用改良的自由落体撞击法建立小鼠重型颅脑损伤后肠动力障碍(intestinal motility disorders,IMD)模型,为进一步研究损伤后IMD机制奠定基础.方法 采用自制圆柱套杆撞击器对小鼠致伤,于伤后1,6h、1,3,7d各时相点观察脑、肠组织的病理学改变,检测脑含水量、小肠推进率.结果 重型颅脑损伤后在脑组织出血水肿时期,肠道亦有急性炎症、充血等表现;脑含水量于6h增加,2