2003年发生的“电荒”是一次不大不小的能源危机。夏季南方部分省市出现了拉闸限电,没想到到了秋冬季节也有了个省市拉闸限电,电荒笼罩在东南沿海的上空。 山东电力供应同样面临着严峻的形势:2003年12月2日,山东省用电历史性刷新夏季纪景,达到1754万千瓦的新高;12月4曰,省内的黄台、南定、临沂、菏泽、莱芜5家电厂已各有一台发电机组停机,总发电能力为81万千瓦,个中原因是用于火力发电的电煤供应紧张。据透露,部分电厂电煤库存已到警戒库存以下,个别电厂已面临缺煤停机危险。 在能源安全越来越上升到战略层面的今天,能源的“开源”问题显得尤为重要。而核电作为一种集众多技术优势与安全劣势于一身的新型能源,对于此前一直对建设核电站持谨慎态度的我国来说,这次跨年度的“电荒”以及对今后更长时期内“缺电”的担忧使得“核电大上马”紧锣密鼓起来。
The “power shortage” that took place in 2003 was an important energy crisis. Some southern provinces and municipalities in summer appeared power cuts, did not expect to the autumn and winter season also has a power switch to power cuts, power shortage enveloped in the southeast coast of the sky. Shandong power supply is also facing a grim situation: December 2, 2003, Shandong Province, historic refreshing power landscapes, reaching a record high of 17.54 million kilowatts; December 4, the province’s Huangtai, South Ding, Linyi , Heze, Laiwu five power plants have each have a generator set down, the total generating capacity of 810,000 kilowatts, one of the reasons for the thermal coal power supply shortage. According to reports, some coal stocks have fallen below the alert inventory, some power plants have been facing the danger of lack of coal downtime. Today, energy security is rising to a strategic level, the issue of “open source” of energy is of paramount importance. Nuclear power as a set of many technological advantages and safety disadvantages in a new energy source, for the previous has been cautious about the construction of nuclear power plant in our country, the cross-year “power shortage” and the longer period in the future “power shortage ”Worries made“ nuclear power big horse, ”in full swing.