我在最近几年的教学过程中,为了提高教学質量,曾努力学習苏联的先进經驗,其中的一个方面,就是結合教材适当地进行乡土教育。我們学校所在的瑞安县,是浙南一个比较大的县分。一百多年来,浙南也和全国各地一样,有过光荣斗爭的历史。我在高中二年级中国近代史的教学中,曾尽量搜集和运用这些材料,向同学进行教育。不过这工作对我来說,仅仅是初步的尝試,做得还非常不够。現在提一提自己的一些做法和体会,希望同志們指正。我在运用乡土材料进行教育时,采用了下列几种办法: 第一个办法是,选择在故乡历史上最重要、影响最大的事件,向同学作比较全面的介紹。譬如太平天国革命时期,浙南曾發生过一次規模較大的农民起义,起义軍北达溫州府城,南到福建福鼎,沉重地打
In my teaching process in recent years, in order to improve the quality of teaching, I have tried my best to learn the advanced experience of the Soviet Union. One of the aspects of my teaching is to properly carry out local education in combination with teaching materials. Ruian County, where our school is, is a relatively large southern Zhejiang county. For more than 100 years, southern Zhejiang has the same history of glorious struggle as the rest of the country. In the teaching of modern Chinese history in the second year of high school, I tried my best to collect and use these materials to educate my classmates. However, this work to me is only a preliminary attempt, it is still not enough. I will now mention some of my own practices and understandings and hope that the comrades will correct me. When using indigenous materials for education, I have adopted the following methods: The first is to choose the most important and influential event in my hometown history and give a more comprehensive introduction to my classmates. For example, during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution, a peasant uprising occurred in the south of Zhejiang Province. The uprising army north of Wenzhou Fucheng and south to Fujian Fuding,