根据内贸部有关零售业业态的规范意见,超市可分为以下7种: 大型综合超级市场(GMS),5000平方米以上,面向最终消费者,商品种类齐全,如家乐福; 仓储商场,国外称之为“平价俱乐部”,1万平方米以上,实行会员制,面向单位及中小业主搞批发,如麦德龙、江苏华联综合超市; 购物中心,在国外包括了“吃喝玩乐购物一条龙”的内容,引入国内时只取了“社区服务”功能,与购物功能结合,演变为销品茂(超级市场+社区
According to the Ministry of Internal Trade’s normative opinion on retail formats, supermarkets can be divided into the following seven categories: Large-scale supermarkets (GMS) with more than 5,000 square meters for the final consumer, with a complete range of goods such as Carrefour, warehousing malls, The “parity club”, more than 10,000 square meters, the implementation of the membership system for small units and owners engaged in wholesale, such as Metro, Jiangsu Hualian Supermarkets; shopping centers in foreign countries including the “eat and drink shopping through-train” content , The introduction of domestic only took the “community service” function, combined with the shopping function, evolved into Pin Mao (supermarkets + community