结合污染河道治理,以苏州市相城区望亭镇某河道污泥为研究对象,通过田间小区试验,设计施氮(N)量为120 kg/hm2(LN)、240 kg/hm2(NN)2个水平,探讨河道污泥农田施用对水稻不同生育时期钾(K)含量、吸收、分配和利用效率的影响.结果表明:1施用河道污泥使水稻不同生育时期植株含K率显著提高,各生育时期吸K量显著提高,植株含K率的增加幅度呈开口向下的抛物线变化趋势,抽穗期的增加幅度最大;2施用河道污泥对水稻多数生育时期K在茎鞘、叶片和穗中分配比例的影响未达到显著水平;3施用河道污泥使水稻不同生育时期K干物质生产效率均极显著降低,K籽粒生产效率和K收获指数显著降低,但水稻K肥偏生产力显著提高;4增施N肥,水稻不同生育时期的植株K含量和吸K量均得到显著或极显著增加,K干物质生产效率和K籽粒生产效率显著下降;5河道污泥×N对稻株K吸收利用多无显著互作效应.综上,施用河道污泥使水稻植株含K率、K吸收量显著提高,K干物质生产效率和K籽粒生产效率均显著降低.
Combined with polluted riverbed management, taking a river sludge of Wangting Town in Xiangcheng District of Suzhou as the research object, the nitrogen (N) content of 120 kg / hm2 (LN) and 240 kg / hm2 (K) content, absorption, distribution and utilization efficiency of rice at different growth stages.The results showed that: 1 The application of river sludge increased the K content of plants at different growth stages significantly During the growth period, the K uptake was significantly increased, and the increasing rate of K content in plants was parabolic downward with the maximum increase at heading stage. 2 Application of river sludge on K in stem, sheath, leaf and ear during most growth stages The distribution ratio did not reach the significant level.3 The application of river sludge resulted in a significant reduction of K production efficiency, K production efficiency and K harvest index at different growth stages, but the partial productivity of K fertilizer significantly increased.4 With the application of N fertilizer, the contents of K and K in plants at different growth stages of rice increased significantly or extremely significantly, and the production efficiency of K dry matter and the production efficiency of K decreased significantly. 5 River sludge × N uptake and utilization of K More no significant Effects on. In summary, administration of rice plants river sludge ratio of K, K absorption was significantly improved, K and K grain dry matter production efficiency significantly decrease production efficiency.