草菇菌蕾形成后,如环境条件不适,或因病菌侵染,往往在幼蕾期即发生萎缩,特别是在第二潮菇现蕾后更为严重.根据经验分析,造成菌蕾萎缩的原因是多方面的,要针对不同情况采取防治措施.(一)菌种退化,养分不足 草菇菌种无性繁殖的代数和转管培养次数过多,栽培种菌龄过大,菌种老化,生活力下降,影响了养分的积累,当第二潮菇现蕾后因养分不足而萎缩死亡.为防止这种情况的发生,可用草菇幼龄菌褶分离菌种,斜面扩繁培养不要超过3代,栽培菌龄应控制在1月以内.
Straw mushroom mushroom bud formation, such as the discomfort of the environment, or due to infection of bacteria, often occurs in the early stage of atrophy bud, especially after the second tide mushroom squash more serious.According to empirical analysis, resulting in bacterial atrophy For many reasons, we should take measures to prevent and control different situations: (1) Degradation of bacteria and lack of nutrients Allelopathic and tubeless propagation of mushroom strains is excessive, Decreased vitality, affecting the accumulation of nutrients, when the second tide mushroom budding due to lack of nutrients and shrinking death.To prevent this from happening, can be used mushroom strains of young fungus fold separation, propagation of slant should not exceed 3 generations, cultivation age should be controlled within January.