【摘 要】
1 病历摘要 患者,男,64岁,滑石粉作业工龄50年。1989年12月定诊为滑石尘肺Ⅰ期。入院1月前“感冒”后咳喘加重,渐呈阵发性剧咳,咯块状黄痰及白粘液痰,夜间不能平卧,阵咳严重
【机 构】
【出 处】
1 病历摘要 患者,男,64岁,滑石粉作业工龄50年。1989年12月定诊为滑石尘肺Ⅰ期。入院1月前“感冒”后咳喘加重,渐呈阵发性剧咳,咯块状黄痰及白粘液痰,夜间不能平卧,阵咳严重时出现一过性意识丧失,每次持续约数秒至1分钟。半月来发作5~6次。服先锋霉素Ⅳ1个月,症状未见好转。以滑石肺Ⅰ期合并
1 patient summary of patients, male, 64 years old, talc working for 50 years. December 1989 clinically classified as stage I pneumoconiosis. Admitted to hospital a month ago, “cold” cough and aggravate, gradually paroxysmal dramatic cough, slightly massive yellow sputum and white mucus sputum, night can not be supine, cough severe cough when a transient loss of consciousness, each lasting about A few seconds to 1 minute. Half a month to attack 5 to 6 times. Serve Pioneer ADM Ⅳ 1 months, the symptoms did not improve. Stage I with talc combined
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