1 概述为了与传统二冲程大型低速柴油机竞争,从1984年开始,芬兰的Wirtsil柴油机公司决心探索四冲程中速柴油机怎样才能做远洋船舶的主机,经过三年多的研究,遂于1987年6月向世界推出了最新开发的具有最高可靠性和最低油耗特点的四冲程Vasa46系列中速柴油机。该系列机气缸直径460mm,活塞行程580mm,转速分450、500和514r/min三档,平均有效压力25bar,压缩比14,最高爆发压力180bar,增压空气压力3.8bar,单缸功率905kW,燃油耗率164g/kW·h,可烧粘度为700cSt/50℃或雷氏1号7000秒的燃料油。
1 Overview In order to compete with the traditional two-stroke large low-speed diesel engine, since 1983, Wirtsil Diesel Engine Company of Finland has been determined to explore how a four-stroke medium-speed diesel engine can be used as the main engine of an ocean-going vessel. After more than three years of research, Introduced to the world the newly developed four-stroke Vasa46 series medium speed diesel engine with the highest reliability and lowest fuel consumption. The series of machine cylinder diameter 460mm, piston stroke 580mm, speed 450,500 and 514r / min third gear, the average effective pressure of 25bar, compression ratio 14, the maximum burst pressure of 180bar, pressurized air pressure 3.8bar, single-cylinder power 905kW, fuel Fuel consumption 164g / kW · h, can be burned viscosity of 700cSt / 50 ℃ or Reis 1 7000 seconds of fuel oil.