抗日战争时期 ,国民党在原有的以党治国和五院制政府的训政体制上 ,形成了以蒋介石为领袖 ,以国防最高委员会为决策和执行机关的党政军一体化战时体制。同时还设立了各级民意机关。这一战时政治体制 ,具有集权与民主二重性。但其主流和发展趋向是不断强化国民党的一党专政和蒋介石的个人独裁。由此 ,也使国民党政权走向腐败的深渊
During the period of the War of Resistance against Japan, the Kuomintang formed an integrated wartime system of party, government and military integration with the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek and the Supreme Committee of National Defense as its decision-making and executing organ on the original system of governing the party and state and the five-state government. At the same time also set up public opinion organs at all levels. This wartime political system has the duality of centralization and democracy. However, its mainstream and development trend is to continuously strengthen the Kuomintang’s one-party dictatorship and Chiang Kai-shek’s personal dictatorship. As a result, the Kuomintang regime also led to the abyss of corruption