一、WTO体制下金融服务贸易的法律框架 WTO体制下的金融服务贸易法律框架,包括了自1993年12月15日结束的乌拉圭回合最终谈判以来,在WTO支持下达成的有关金融服务贸易的所有规定和协议。这些协定有的以单项的协定表现出来,如FSA;有的则体现在其他协定的有关内容中,如WTO主体协议文本(下称《WTO主协定》)中有关组织和机制的规定,以及《服务贸易总协定》中关于服务贸易尤其是金融服务贸易的规定。
I. Legal Framework for Financial Services Trade under the WTO System The legal framework for financial services trade under the WTO system includes all the relevant financial services trades reached with the support of the WTO since the final negotiations of the Uruguay Round concluded on December 15, 1993 Regulations and agreements. Some of these agreements are presented as individual agreements, such as the FSA, while others are covered by other agreements, such as the relevant organizations and mechanisms in the text of the WTO agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “WTO Agreement”), General Agreement on Trade in Services on the provisions of the trade in services, especially the financial services trade.