The free translation in the slogan

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  Abstract:With the further development of world economy and globalization,the relationship between China and the outside world has become closer than ever before. There is no doubt that commercial advertisements play a dispensable role in forming the relationship between them. However,because the existence of cultural difference between China and Western countries,there are lots of difficulties in translating slogan in different cultural background. Therefore,figuring out some proper methods in free translation in slogan becomes much more important in this special era. In order to improve the quality of free translation in slogan and make contribution to explore the new market,this essay will make research on the similarity in English and Chinese free translation in slogan which will be expressed in the aspect of rhetoric,sentence using and structure using. At the same time,the research on the intimate link between brand and culture from the angle of intercultural have been conducted. Based on the principles of free translation in slogan to introduce the methods of free translation in slogan and try to put forward the strategies in terms of economic,products’ characters and other factors.
  Key words:Slogan;translation;cultural difference;strategy
  With the rapid progress of globalization and intercultural communication,there are many unusual conflicts happening in the communication between Chinese and English background. slogan accounts for an important position because it can wipe out the limitation in interpersonal communication. So it is especially necessary to have a better understanding of the use of Slogans. With further development between different cultures,public has started to attach much more importance to Slogans,and a large scale of researches have been conducted to every aspect of Slogans. Meanwhile,it is very crucial to have a clear understanding about the idioms when we try to get familiar with culture. slogan is like an intangible bond to tie everything together which makes the possibilities to have a totally separate recognition. Therefore,free translation in slogans play a dispensable role in promoting the successful cooperations in diverse fields. As we all know,Slogans have been used frequently in our daily life,so it is necessary to have a better understanding about Slogans for intercultural communication. Because of the misunderstanding about the other culture,there are a large scale of cultural collisions. The analyzing of free translation in slogan can build the perfect understanding of the specialty of two utterly dissimilar cultures. No matter what the character it has,it acts as the strong national cultural features. Accordingly,we can dig out the essences of singular culture.   In addition,it is very crucial to have a clear understanding of the definition of Slogans,which can lay a solid foundation for the better brand translation. A slogan is a recognizable sign,design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. A slogan is typically a name,word,phrase,logo,symbol,design,image,or a combination of these elements. It is like any evidence to distinguish one goods from others. Slogans are used to claim exclusive properties of products or services. The use of Slogans by its owner can cause legal issues if this usage makes him guilty of false advertising or if the slogan is offensive. There is also a range of non-conventional Slogans comprising marks which do not fall into these standard categories,such as those based on color,smell,or sound. The essential function of a slogan is to exclusively identify the commercial source or origin of products or services,so a slogan,properly called,indicates source or serves as a badge of origin. In other words,Slogans serve to identify a particular business as the source of goods or services.
  2. Literature Review
  Li Yi(2009),the author started with the unique characteristics between English and Chinese Slogans. What's more,some basic strategies and methods of translation were put forward according to the current situation and problems in free translation in slogan. Finally,there are also some principles provided to make translation of Slogans immeasurably more effective. All the above is to arouse consumers' desire to buy,which will make the products more competitive.
  LI Shitao(2008),tried to figure out problems and countermeasures in the translation of foreign Slogan. The author made full use of teleology as the theoretical basis and from the consumer's point of view,made a combination of a questionnaire survey and the results of existing research. In the meantime to sum up the contemporary problems in the translation of foreign Slogans. The core point was to make some appropriate recommendations for the setting of guiding principles of trade mark translation.
  Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky(2006),tried to inform the public concerning the complexities of the issues of slogan imitation,integrating the disciplines of psychology,business,and law to the area of slogan violation and translation. Principles and theories from psychology and how they are related to clients' perceptions in the efficient market are used to explain why competitors steal the intellectual property of another company or entity. In author's opinion,Slogans are just a carrier to show the complicated psychology hides inside Slogans. There are a lot of feelings and emotions in Slogans.   3. Features of Slogan
  There is no doubt slogan is very different with common English. slogan is the special English context mainly applied for international trade and international marketing. It has distinguished characteristics in lexis,syntax and rhetorical devices. Because of the limitation of economy,culture and environment condition,there are a large scale of conflicts can be found in international business. As a consequence,the clear understanding about the distinctive characteristics of slogan can lay a solid foundation for the successful business transaction.
  4. Principles in Free Translation in Slogan
  There are a lot of theories related to slogan,all of these theories can be very effective to get the better translation of slogan. The skopos theory,dynamic equivalence theory and the principle of “faithfulness,exactness,consistency” are the representatives for various theories.
  5. Methods for The Free Translation in Slogan
  Because the cooperation between different countries has become much more frequent than ever before,the translation of Slogans has attracted great importance from public. The principles of the Slogans translation have been realized. All methods can be considered as a very effective method for better translation which can minimize the mistakes as many as possible.
  6. Conclusion
  With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the relationship between Chinese and English countries become much closer than ever before. free translation in slogan is one of the most effective media to get well known with another culture,it is the highlight of culture and language using. Adequate translation of slogan is an ample matter. There are plenty of things that should take into consideration. Merely making a maximum use of translation strategies and skills,the beauty and all side translation can be worked out. So we should attach great importance to translation of Slogans so that the products can win a wide range of supports from all walks of society. In a word,a highly qualified Slogans translation is the robust foundation for better understanding of a culture.
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【摘要】随着科技的发展,信息化、电子化的普及,电子图书正以自己独特的优势挑战着传统图书。然而,我们通过分析电子图书的特性可以看到,电子图书有着比如阅读不方便、读者隐私权保护缺陷、作者的版权保护缺陷以及不利于收藏等等方面的问题,这些都说明了传统图书的存在价值。也就是说,不论科技发展到什么程度,电子图书与传统图书都将会并存发展。  【关键词】电子图书;传统图书;网络;局限  传统图书指的是把具体文字在
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【摘要】该文采用STC89C52单片机作为中央处理芯片、GTM900B、光耦开关等模块构件了智能家居控制终端节点。通过RXD和TXD端口连接接上GTM900B DTU,单片机通过发送AT指令向GTM900B DTU模块定时读取智能家居终端节点信息。采用收数据与单片机内设定的数据内容匹配机制,实现用户直接远程控制家居,在识别信号后单片机则控制端口控制光耦合器来控制LED灯的开和关,在实际使用中可以用
【摘要】“红色经典”是一个“后文革”的时代词汇,主要指的是新中国成立初期至六、七十年代广为流传的反映中国革命艺术历史的优秀文学艺术作品。本文从文革时期的红色舞蹈入手,深入研究红色经典舞蹈的演绎形态。通过分析有较大影响力的红色舞蹈,对其演绎形态以及表达方式进行一定的研究和总结,并深入挖掘红色经典中“红色”的深层含义。  【关键词】红色经典;演绎形态;红色  “红色经典”是一个“后文革”的时代词汇,主