深圳有一个老牌孵化器,早在2013年,他们就已经在深圳的蛇口、科技园、福田等多处繁华地段,陆续开办了为小型初创企业准备的“联合办公空间”。那个时候,“We Work”模式都还没有广为人知,“创客空间”、“众创空间”这些被热炒的概念也都还没有出现。可是已经有这么一家孵化器,提供小型办公隔间+公共洽谈空间+公用会议室+创业活动空间+公用前台+基
Shenzhen has an established incubator. As early as 2013, they have already set up “Joint Office Space ” for small start-ups in succession in such prosperous areas as Shekou, Science Park and Futian in Shenzhen. At that time, the “We Work” model was not yet widely known, and the hyped concepts of “Creator Space” and “Mass Creation Space” have not yet appeared. However, there is already such an incubator to provide small office space + public negotiation space + public meeting room + entrepreneurial activities space + public front + base