穿山甲为鲮鲤科动物穿山甲Manis pentadactyla L.的鲮甲,常炮炙使用。其具有活血下乳,消肿,排脓等功效,用于乳汁不通,痈肿、经闭、关节肿痛。由于穿山甲为国家二级保护动物,所以临床合理应用炮山甲显得尤为重要。炮山甲在中药调剂中应该捣碎,而在实际应用中往往忽视。因此我们对不同粉碎度的炮山甲的浸出率通过实验做了一下比较,具体方法如下。
The pangolin is the armor of the Manis pentadactyla L. of the family Pangolin, commonly used for arthropods. It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and milk, reducing swelling and discharging pus, etc. It is used for milk blocking, bloated, amenorrhea, joint swelling and pain. As pangolins are the second class of animal protection in the country, it is particularly important to apply Cannon to clinical use. Cannons should be crushed in traditional Chinese medicine preparations, and often ignored in practical applications. Therefore, we compared the leaching rates of different gradations of turrets by experiments. The specific methods are as follows.