采用ATMT技术建立大丽轮枝菌落叶型菌株XJ2008菌株的T-DNA插入突变体文库,共获得6 043个突变体。从中随机挑选104个突变体,以野生型XJ2008菌株为参照,评价其致病性、菌落生长速率、分生孢子及微菌核的产生能力等。结果表明,有12.5%的突变体丧失产孢能力,4.8%的突变体的生长速率显著减慢,8.7%的突变体的生长速率显著加快,12.5%的突变体丧失产生微菌核的能力,47.1%的突变体的致病性显著低于野生型菌株XJ2008,且突变体2-736、2-740、2-745的病情指数分别约为野生型菌株XJ2008的0.184、0.168和0.197倍。该突变体库突变体遗传稳定性好,性状多样性丰富。
A total of 6 043 mutants were obtained by using ATMT technology to establish a T-DNA insertion mutant library of V. dahliae deciduous strain XJ2008. Randomly selected 104 mutants from the wild-type strain XJ2008 as a reference to evaluate its pathogenicity, colony growth rate, the ability of conidia and bacteria sclerotia production. The results showed that 12.5% of the mutants lost their ability to sporulation, 4.8% of the mutants significantly slowed the growth rate, 8.7% of the mutants significantly accelerated the growth rate, 12.5% of the mutants lost the ability to produce micro-sclerotia, 47.1% of the mutants showed significantly lower pathogenicity than the wild-type strain XJ2008, and the disease indices of the mutants 2-736, 2-740 and 2-745 were about 0.184, 0.168 and 0.197 times that of the wild-type strain XJ2008 respectively. The mutants of the mutant gene have good genetic stability and rich diversity of traits.