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随着社会的发展,教育事业也在不断地完善和改革,学生的教育问题也受到了社会的高度关注。多媒体教学推动了教育的发展,并提高了教学的质量和效率。学生的学习要从小抓起,从幼儿上学开始就运用多媒体技术进行教学,为学生提供最优质的教育,转变传统的教学方法和观念,结合时代的发展需求,不断完善教育,带动教育事业的快速发展。 With the development of society, education is constantly improving and reforming, and the education of students has also drawn great attention from the society. Multimedia teaching promotes the development of education and improves the quality and efficiency of teaching. Students should learn from an early age, from the beginning of childhood education to use multimedia technology for teaching, to provide students with the highest quality education, change the traditional teaching methods and concepts, combined with the development of the times, and constantly improve education and promote education in rapid development of.
今年两会已圆满闭幕,这次会议对“十二五”时期的发展显得尤为重要,因为今年中国所处的国内外矛盾和形势尤为复杂——  经历了几年高速发展,中国经济在调低经济增长速度的同时也凸显出一些积累性、瓶颈性的问题:如何平稳物价水平、如何调控房地产市场、如何打破行业垄断、贫富分化、人口老龄化、资源环境恶化等诸多问题都交织在一起;  而在全球范围内,欧债危机仍在继续蔓延和发展,2012年全球经济增速将进一步放缓,中