On the Optimization of the Quality of Language Tests

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:P214909697
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Language tests are frequently used as devices to evaluate language learning and teaching; therefore,we must be concerned about the quality—reliability and validity—of our tests.Many researches have showed that the quality of language tests has been decreased owing to the misuse of multiple-choice items.It is necessary to reduce the percentage of objective items in the tests,but what is more important is test writers' professional skills which can directly affect the quality of the tests. This essay focuses on how to optimize the quality of language tests through the training for test writers. It has become quite urgent and important now,which should involve in familiarizing the writers with basic testing theories,purposes and types of testing,and main specific testing methods. Language tests are frequently used as devices to evaluate language learning and teaching; therefore, we must be concerned about the quality-reliability and validity-of our tests. Many researches have showed that the quality of language tests has been reduced owing to the misuse of multiple-choice items.It is necessary to reduce the percentage of objective items in the tests, but what is more important is test writers' professional skills which can directly affect the quality of the tests. This essay focuses on how to optimize the quality of language tests through the training for test writers. It has become quite urgent and important now, which should involve in familiarizing the writers with basic testing theories, purposes and types of testing, and main specific testing methods.
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