中共中央两项英明决议的发表,极大地鼓舞了我厂广大干部和群众,人们欢欣鼓舞,全厂热气腾腾。在厂党委统一领导下,迅速掀起了大学习大批判的新高潮,决心以党中央的英明决议和毛主席的重要指示为武器,深入揭发批判邓小平翻文化大革命的案,算文化大革命的账,妄图复辟资本主义的罪行,以抓革命促生产的实际行动,把反击右倾翻案风的伟大斗争进行到底。 广大职工怀着对毛主席深厚的无产阶级感情,对不肯改悔的走资派邓小平无比的仇恨,坚决拥护党中央的英明决议,愤怒声讨和批判邓小平及制造天安门广场反革命政治事件的一小撮阶级
The announcement by the CPC Central Committee of two brilliant resolutions has greatly encouraged the cadres and masses in our factory. People are delighted and excited about the plant. Under the unified leadership of the party committees of the factory, a new upsurge of large-scale criticism of the university was quickly set off. With the wise resolution of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao’s important instructions as a weapon, it was revealed that the case of criticizing Deng Xiaoping’s overturning the Great Cultural Revolution was an account of the Great Cultural Revolution, Vain attempt to restore the capitalist crimes in order to grasp the actual actions of revolution and promote production and carry through to the end the great struggle to counter the right overthrow of the winds. With the profound proletarian feelings toward Chairman Mao and the unbridled hatred of the capitalist investors who reluctantly regretted Deng Xiaoping, resolutely uphold the brilliant resolution of the Party Central Committee, indignantly denounced and criticized Deng Xiaoping and the handful of reactionary people who made the anti-revolutionary political incident in Tiananmen Square class