This article reports that helium-neon laser irradiation of the perineal skin of horses can improve blood leukocyte phagocytosis. The phage index of leukocytes and the number of leukocytes with phagocytic potential both increased from the second day of irradiation and reached the highest value on the fourth day after irradiation, and gradually decreased on the 9th to 10th day of irradiation. The application of laser technology in the fields of medicine and biology in China is gradually expanding. Clinical observations have found that low-power He-Ne laser irradiation has various effects such as irritation, vasodilation, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. In order to further investigate the effect of He-Ne laser irradiation on the phagocytosis of leukocytes in the blood, the effect of the laser on the defensive function of the body was observed from one aspect, and the study of this subject was specifically proposed.