This article describes the intuitive economics of laying rural roads with concrete pavers in developing countries. International experience shows that it is usually more economical to lay asphalt concrete pavement on roads with daily traffic volume of more than 300 cars, and the economy of paving asphalt is uncertain for roads with low traffic volume. Therefore, the government road management agencies need to study what kind of pavement materials to cover low-traffic dirt roads, the most cost-effective economy. Because the passage of dirt roads is unreliable and difficult to maintain, most poor countries do not have enough motor vehicles and do not have adequate dirt road maintenance capabilities. This article compares the road grade, maintenance requirements, and economics of dirt roads and concrete pavements to outline the short-term and long-term superiority of hexagonal concrete paving. Data demonstrating road pavement laid by hexagonal concrete paving slabs is economically viable for country roads with daily traffic volumes of more than 50 vehicles, particularly when the share of trucks is large. In this paper, we compare the rural road with the comparison of construction cost, maintenance cost, road grade, road user cost and total social cost (road management agency cost + road user cost) for gravel pavement, concrete pavement bricks and asphalt pavement ; Expressing the economic evaluation result of the road by NPV; Introducing the result of the sensitivity evaluation, giving the recommended range of the road traffic volume for selecting the concrete pavement brick from the laying cost and economic rationality.