大青叶蝉又叫大绿浮尘子,是为害幼龄果树的重要害虫。该虫以成虫在果树枝条上产卵危害,近年来在我县幼龄果园中发生较为普遍,是造成苹果幼树抽条的重要原因之一。秋季,成虫产卵前用产卵管将幼树枝条表皮割开月牙形伤口,产卵管插入表皮内,产卵于枝条的皮层,每个月牙形伤口内产卵5~10粒,排成一排,在危害严重的果园造成整株幼树枝条遍体鳞伤。由于冬季寒冷,春季干旱风大,使受害幼树大量失水,轻者主干以上枝条抽条,重者整株干枯死亡,已成为幼龄果树正常生长的一大障碍,必须加强防治。 1 大青叶蝉的生活习性 大青叶蝉属杂食性害虫,其食性非常复杂,它的寄主植物几乎包括了所有常见的果树、林木、作
Green leafhopper, also known as the big green dust, is an important pest damage to young fruit trees. The insects to adult worms spawning branches on the tree, in my county in recent years, young orchards occur more common, is one of the important causes of young shoots of apple trees. In autumn, the adult spawns with a spawning tube before the spawning of the young branch cut crescent-shaped wounds, the ovulation into the epidermis, spawning in the cortex of the branches, each crescent wound spawning 5 to 10, arranged in rows In a row, causing serious damage in the orchard whole tree branches and branches covered with bruises. Due to the cold in winter and the strong drought in spring, a great deal of water loss has been caused to the young saplings. The light sapped branches above the trunk and the whole plant died dead and become a major obstacle to the normal growth of young fruit trees. Prevention and treatment must be strengthened. 1 green leafhopper habit of life Green leafhopper is a omnivorous pest, its feeding is very complex, and its host plant includes almost all common fruit trees, trees,