渝水区刁坑生产队在十一届三中全会前后棉花生产的惊人变化,给人们一个有益的启示,即:江西无论从赣北到赣中,气候条件都是适宜植棉的,尤其是有秋季高温,日照充足,结铃期长等优越的自然条件,提高单产的潜力是很大的。只要认真贯彻落实党中央的方针、政策,把农民植棉的积极性充分调动起来,并因地因时制宜,实行科学种棉,就能把我省棉花增产的潜力充分挖掘出来,使棉花由低产变高产,不论灾年、平年,都能夺得高产稳产。那种所谓“江西不宜植棉论”或者认为“只有波阳湖北部可以植棉,波阳湖南部乃至赣中地区就不适宜种棉”的论点,都是没有科学根据的,经不起实践检验的。请看: 这个队在三中全会以前,历年计划植棉40亩,亩产仅40多斤,曾被认为是不宜植棉的低产队。但在三中全会以后,自80年不断调整落实和完善了农业生产责任制,大大调动了农民学科学、用科学的积极性以来,恢复计划植棉40亩,四年四大步,单产翻几番。80年亩产就达到102斤,81年上升到126斤,82、83年更上升到206和287.5斤(注:来稿按计划棉田40亩计算,亩产308.5斤,但据称还开荒扩种7.5亩,收皮棉840斤,则实际棉田应为47.5亩,平均亩产应核实为287.5斤),尤其是82、83两年,都是在大灾、多灾之年夺得这样大面积高产的,更是难能可贵。这个活生生的事实,既充分显示了党的政策的威力,同时也充分表明我省的自然条件是优越的,只要灵活运用科学植棉技术,即使在多灾之年仍然是可以夺得棉花高产的。
Yushui diao pit production team before and after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the alarming changes in cotton production, give people a useful inspiration, namely: Jiangxi, Jiangxi from Jiangxi to Jiangxi, climate conditions are suitable for cotton, especially With the autumn high temperature, adequate sunshine, long period of bell ring and other superior natural conditions, to improve the yield potential is great. As long as we conscientiously implement the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers to plant cotton and fully utilize the potential of cotton production in science and technology so as to fully tap the potential of cotton production in our province, Low yield and high yield, regardless of the disaster year, year, can win high and stable yield. The argument that the so-called “Jiangxi is not suitable for planting cotton” or that “only the northern part of the Beiyang can be planted with cotton, and the southern part of the Beyang Lake and even the central Jiangxi region is not suitable for growing cotton” is not scientifically based and can not withstand the practice Inspection. Look: Before the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session, the team plans to plant 40 acres of mu of pasture and only 40 kilos of mu per mu would have been considered a low-yielding team that should not be cotton-padded. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, however, it has continuously adjusted and implemented the responsibility system for agricultural production since 1980 and greatly mobilized the peasants’ science. With the enthusiasm for science, it has planned to resume planting 40 acres of cotton and make four major strides in four years, Fan. 80 mu per year reached 102 jin, rising to 126 jin in 81 and rising to 206 and 287.5 jin in 82 and 83 years (Note: According to the planned yield of 40 mu, 7.5 acres, 840 kg of recovered cotton, the actual cotton field should be 47.5 acres, the average yield should be verified as 287.5 kg), especially 82,83 two years are in the disaster, the disaster year won such a large area of high yield It is commendable. This vivid fact fully demonstrates the power of the party’s policies and at the same time fully demonstrates that the natural conditions in our province are superior. As long as the scientific application of cotton planting technology is flexible, cotton production can still be won even in the disastrous years .