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党支部委员会是支部党员大会选出的领导机关,是基层单位统一领导和团结的核心,是巩固和提高部队战斗力的战斗堡垒。支委会则是党支部委员讨论决定连队重大问题的会议。组织召开好支委会,重点需要把握好“三点”。一、会前准备要及时充分。充分的会前准备工作,是开好支委会的重要前提。要科学确定会议议题。党支部书记要明确召开支委会的必要性,清楚是为了解决什么问题而召开支委会。要根据 The branch of the party branch is the leading organ elected by the branch party members’ assembly, is the core of the unified leadership and solidarity of the grassroots units, and a stronghold for fighting to consolidate and enhance the combat effectiveness of the armed forces. The branch committee is a meeting of party branch members discussing and deciding the major issues of the company. Organize a good support committee, the key need to grasp well “three o’clock.” First, the pre-preparation should be prompt and full. Full preparation for the meeting is an important prerequisite for opening a branch committee. To scientifically determine the meeting topics. Party branch secretary to clear the need for the convening of the branch, it is clear that in order to solve any problems and convened the branch. According to
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