The application of satellite remote sensing images requires geometric correction, that is, for each pixel point in the remote sensing image, the location of geo-latitude and longitude, the elevation and azimuth of the sun and the scanner must be calculated. Usually by known a sufficient number of ground control points or approximate interpolation method to achieve. For the vast oceans, it is difficult to find ground control points. Therefore, based on parameters such as orbit parameters of satellites and scanner field of view, a more complete set of geolocation methods and related geometric parameter methods are greatly simplified Existing methods of geometric correction. The inversion of the CZCS, AVHRR and FY-1B data and the comparison of the actual ground points in the local area show that the accuracy of the geolocation - The latitude RMS is 0.0001 °, the longitude RMS is 0.0005 °, and the RMS of the elevation and azimuth of the sun is 0.0007 °, which can fully meet the requirements of the meteorological and oceanographic environmental satellites and land resources satellite Mss and other data geometry Fine correction requirements, and can be used as a rough geometric correction TMT and SPOT. The algorithm is not only applicable to ascending satellites, but also to orbit satellites. It is also suitable for three kinds of scanning images, such as front, back tilting and vertical scanning.