The Analysis of System Capacity of VoIP System Supporting CBRand VBR Traffic in IEEE802.11b WLAN Und

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq7758521
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In this paper, the capability of IEEE 802.11b Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) mode supporting of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) and Variable Bit Rate (VBR) Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic is investigated. Then, the capacity of 802.11b Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system carrying voice calls in a wide range of scenarios, including varying delay and packet loss rate constraints is analyzed and evaluated. Both G.711 and G.729 voice encoding schemes and a range of voice inter-arrival time are considered. The analyses and simulation results show that capacity is highly sensitive to the delay budget allocated to the sum of packetization and wireless network delays. For a given packet loss rate constrained, G.729 is shown to have a capacity greater than that when G.711 is used. The simulation results show that by supporting VBR under DCF mode the network has the approximately twice much capacity as supporting CBR has, regardless of the encoding schemes and the inter-arrival time. In this paper, the capability of IEEE 802.11b Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) mode supporting of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) and Variable Bit Rate (VBR) Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic is investigated. Then, the capacity of 802.11b Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) system carrying voice calls in a wide range of scenarios, including varying delay and packet loss rate constraints are analyzed and evaluated. Both G.711 and G.729 voice encoding schemes and a range of voice inter-arrival time are considered. the analyzes and simulation results show that capacity is highly sensitive to the delay budget allocated to the sum of packetization and wireless network delays. G.711 is used. The simulation results show that by supporting supporting VBR under DCF mode the network has the almost twice much capacity as supporting CBR has, regardless of the encoding schemes and the inter-arrival time.
杨炳延  笔名秉延,字三禾,斋号云庐。研究生学历。1948年生于河北新河。1965至1996在部队供职,之后,历任文化部人事司司长,国家图书馆党委书记、副馆长。现为中国美术馆副馆长,中国书法家协会理事,鉴定评估委员会副主任。    读杨炳延的书法作品,总能让人感受到一股淡淡的蕙兰清香迎面而来。按理说,书法是视觉艺术,是用眼睛来欣赏的,但优秀的艺术作品,往往就容易让欣赏者产生艺术通感。读《兰亭序》,
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