讨论了模态实验中传感器的配置问题。利用结构振型矩阵转置的 QR分解得到传感器的初始配置。以模态置信度 MAC矩阵的最大非对角元为目标函数 ,利用本文提出的修正逐步累积法得到传感器的配置 ,并提出传感器配置必须结合优化效果和经济性 2方面综合考虑
The configuration of sensors in modal experiments is discussed. The initial configuration of the sensor is obtained by QR decomposition of the structural mode matrix transpose. Taking the maximum non-diagonal element of the modal confidence MAC matrix as the objective function, the sensor configuration is obtained by using the modified step-by-step accumulation method proposed in this paper, and the sensor configuration must be considered in combination with optimization and economy