
来源 :科学中国人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:parrotxu
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我国幅员辽阔,各个地区的气候环境具有很大的产异性,这就对建筑施工提出了较高的要求。在我国北方地区,冬季气温比较寒冷,在建筑工程施工建设过程中必须采用墙外保温措施。随着我国建筑工程项目越来越多,加强对墙外保温技术应用和研究就显得十分重要了。但是在实际的建筑工程施工建设过程中,外墙保温技术应用过程中存在很多急需解决的问题,需要我们及时采取措施将其解决。本文主要就建筑工程施工过程中外墙保温技术进行了总结和分析,并从保温技术质量和技术要求等两个方面提出了解决问题的对策,希望通过本次研究对更好的开展建筑保温施工有一定的帮助。 The vast territory of our country, all regions of the climatic environment has a lot of heterosexuality, which put forward higher requirements for the construction of the building. In the northern part of our country, the temperature in winter is relatively cold. During the construction of the building construction, we must adopt the insulation measures of the wall. With more and more construction projects in our country, it is very important to strengthen the application and research of wall insulation technology. However, during the construction and construction of the actual construction, there are many urgent problems to be solved in the application of external wall insulation technology, and we need to take timely measures to solve it. This article mainly summarizes and analyzes the external wall insulation technology in the construction process of the building, and puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem from two aspects of the technical quality and technical requirements of the thermal insulation. I hope that through this study, Some help.
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通过对思想政治工作过程中出现的逆反心理现象的描述,分析逆反心理产生的原因,并提出某些消除逆反心理、增进思想政治工作效果的建议。 Through the description of the phe
这是加拿大曼尼图巴大学心理学教授雷蒙德·佩里最近发表在 《加拿大教育》上的一篇文章。该文从动机心理学的角度, 阐述了教师应当如何帮助学生分析在学习上的成功与失败的原