菲利普·拉金(Philip Lar-kin,1922—)已年过六十。很多人认为他是目前最佳的用英语创作的诗人。尽管他竭力避免与人交往,但他在文学界还是个知名人士,也是个充满矛盾的人物。人说他愤世嫉俗,隐居外省,而老朋友们却喜欢和他往来;人说他反对现代主义,而且思想过于狭窄,而世界各地的青年作家却非常崇
Philip Lar-kin (1922-) is over 60 years old. Many think he is the best poet in English at the moment. Although he tried very hard to avoid contact with people, he was still a celebrity and a contradictory person in the literary world. People say he is cynical and secluded in other provinces, while old friends like to deal with him; people say he opposes modernism and his thinking is too narrow, but young writers around the world are very much