边广兰艺术简历 1957年生,祖籍山东,现为湖北《名城风采》编辑部美术编辑,中国美协湖北分会会员。毕业于教育学院中文系,曾入湖北美术学院、中国艺术研究院研究生部进修,作品多次入选全国美术大展并获奖。
Born in 1957 Born in Guangzhou, his ancestral home is Shandong Province. He is now an art editor at the editorial department of Hubei Famous City and a member of Hubei Branch of China Artists Association. Graduated from the Chinese Department of Education College, he worked in the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts and the Graduate Department of the China Academy of Art. He has been selected as the National Art Exhibition for many times and won the award.